Monday, April 19, 2010
Privacy Issues in a Digital World
Google gives you the choice of looking into Google Dashboard which slows information that is connected to Google accounts and lets you change your options and privacy settings.
I think that many of the people that are growing up today don't think that privacy is really an issue. The younger and younger children that get on the internet and using social networking sites, the more and more information they are giving out because they don't seem to know any different.
These privacy issues relate to the Long Tail and the internet as a democratizing tool because it opens the internet up to more people and more people become involved within it, but, it does hurt people to not realize the effects of privacy on the internet.
For more information, please visit The New York Times, articles one and two, Forbes and Business Week.
The Future of Television
NBC, Fox, CBS, and ABC (through their parent companies) control everything that is being watched on TV, however, with the shows now being on the internet, it challenges the control that the companies have. It no longer has control of when and where someone can watch their television program.
An independent producer could produce and distribute their program nationwide through YouTube and ignore the networks as long as they do not violate any of the copyrights on the program being distributed. YouTube says, "The YouTube website makes it easy to watch and share your favorite YouTube videos with the whole family."
The "5 C's of the Post-Network Era" are choice, control, convenience, customization and community; all of the 5 C's relate to the future of television. Choice; the future of television is full of choice, television being on the internet gives one a huge choice in when they want to watch something and what they want to watch. Control; the future of television gives people the opportunity to control what they want to watch and sometimes control the types or amount of commercials they want to see. Convenience; the future of television gives people the opportunity to watch their favorite television show when they want, where they want, and at whatever time they want to. Customization; the future of television gives people an opportunity to customize what they want to watch or the order they want to watch them in. Community; the future of television gives people an opportunity to form communities and write in forums that connect them with other fans of their favorite shows.
Broadband TV relates to the issues in the Long Tail, the internet as a democratizing tool, and Creative Commons because it allows people to explore more into the internet and which keeps the Long Tail of the internet going, it allows people to look more into the internet and watch things that help it to become a democratizing tool, and it allows people to utilize the Creative Commons by posting things to YouTube.
In ten years, I think that TV will be more focused on the internet. I think that not only will people be allowed to watch things on their computer after it airs, but people will be able to watch streaming shows on their laptop, computer, and phone.
For more information please visit, these three articles on the New York Times; One, Two, Three and YouTube.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Journalism, Blogging & New Media
Consumers, news organizations, corporations, non-profits and others are adapting to the change of digital media by creating a sort of guideline book or manual of sorts. Reuters has created a handbook that states, "We are committed to aggressive journalism in all its forms, including in the field of computer-assisted reporting, but we draw the line at illegal behavior. Internet reporting is nothing more than applying the principles of sound journalism to the sometimes unusual situations thrown up in the virtual world. The same standards of sourcing, identification and verification apply. Apply the same precautions online that you would use in other forms of news-gathering and do not use anything from the internet that is not sourced in such a way that you can verify where it came from."
New forms of TV news and newspapers that are appearing on the internet are the ways that newspapers and TV news are seen on the internet. The newspaper that has become completely digital and has more options on it than sections of a regular newspaper. You can also see video clips on TV news sites or clips of reporters on newspaper sites.
Below: A screen shot of an online Detroit Free Press Paper.
However, Reuters begs to differ with The Atlantic stating, "First, journalism is not synonymous with newspapers and today the discussion has focused too much on newspapers alone. Second, journalism will do more than survive the Internet Age, it will thrive. It will thrive as creators and publishers embrace the collaborative power of new technologies, retool production and distribution strategies and we stop trying to do everything ourselves."
The issues of the Long Tail, Creative Commons and the internet as a democratizing tool relate to the issue of journalism, blogging, and new media because it shows us that the internet is really taking over. There are so many newspapers that are going out of business and downsizing their staff and company as a whole because not many people want to buy and old fashioned newspaper any more when they can just pull up a web page and get their news and information updated to the minute.
I think that the future of journalism as a whole will be a complete down turn from where we are now. It may be because of the crappy economy that we have right now being the cause of so many newspapers collapsing, but it is not entirely based on the economy, many people just do not purchase hard copies of newspapers anymore. I hope that in the next ten years, this will change, other wise many of the online sites will start to charge people to log in when they want they online news fix. I hope that the next ten years will change journalism and newspapers for the better, and if it doesn't, then I think that we will have more and more pop up ad's on our news websites, charges being initiated for using the sites, and less actual newspapers still standing.
For more information, please visit: The Atlantic, Rueters, J-Learning, The Future of Journalism, and the Detroit Free Press.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Digital Convergence
In other words, digital convergence is the mashing up of traditional media that is normally separate, into a mixed media that includes all aspects; such as, video, music, television, books, magazines, games, and internet all in one handy device.
Consumers, news organizations, corporations, non-profits, and others are all jumping onto the digital convergence bandwagon. For example, the New York Times is jumping into the mix:
News organizations such as the New York Times are on the verge of digital convergence and creating a bigger and better newspaper through digital journalism. Guardian states, "After remaking the business of the music industry and re-inventing the mobile phone, Steve Jobs obviously is up for something new, and journalism has got his attention." The article continued, "We're incredibly psyched to pioneer the next generation of digital journalism. We want to create the best of print and best of digital, all rolled into one."
Consumers are also stocking up on things like the iPad, the iPhone and iTouch, the Nook, the Kindle, and all other sorts of entrtainment devices, even PS3's, XBOX's and Wii's! The iPad seems to be the most advanced, however like the iPad, both the Nook and the Kindle are designed as digital books, where you can store an entire library on a little pad that can fit in your purse.
While things such as the iTouch, iPhone, iPods, and SmartPhones are all connecting the internet, music, games and much much more all on one small hand held device.
These tools relate to issues we learned about on the Long Tail, the internet as a democratizing tool, and Creative Commons because it through digital convergence we get a sense that the internet will be around for a very very long time. We see that the Long Tail will just keep getting longer and longer with the more and more technology that is created and the more convergence of digital media is done. It seems that every other day someone creates a new device that can hold more memory or do one more thing than the last. It is insane all of the technology that the public knows about at the time, but to just think about all of the technology that is being created as we speak and the technology that is soon to come, it just boggles my mind and I'm sure the minds of others.
In ten years, I honestly have no idea what technology will look like. I know that the iPhone and iTouch are smaller versions of the iPad, but I think that as time goes on, we'll have some sort of solar powered iPad in a smaller form. Something that is good for the environment and affordable for all people. Something that will help people stay connected and something to help kids learn, while saving the planet. I don't think we're that far away from this sort of technology and I think it will change the world (good or bad, who knows?!) if it is every created.
More information can be found at Guardian, Apple, Barnes&Noble, Amazon, and, Wikipedia.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Social Networking: Twitter & Facebook
There are many individuals, news organizations, corporations, and non-profits using Facebook today. I, alone, am a fan of nine non-profit organizations on Facebook and follow three non-profits and two new organizations on Twitter.
According to Facebook to Nonprofits: More Pages, Fewer Apps, "Nonprofit organizations seeking to harness Facebook can get the most bang for their buck by using fan pages in addition to groups, streamlining their app usage and livening things up..." In addition, How to Market Your Business With Facebook says, "For most businesses, Facebook Pages (distinct from individual profiles and Facebook groups) are the best place to start. Pages allow businesses to collect "fans" the way celebrities, sports teams, musicians, and politicians do. There are now 1.4 million Facebook Pages and they collect more than 10 million fans everyday,according to the site."
Twitter is also being used as a tool. It is now being used as a job search site, according to Twitter Could Become the Unemployed's Best Friend, "One of Twitter's advantages is that unlike e-mail messages or Facebook updates, tweets can reach an unknown audience --- a benefit that recruiters, human resources departments and job-seekers are fast discovering. In the last month, 340, 000 jobs have been listed on Twitter said William Fischer, co-founder of WorkDigital which created TwitJobSearch, a site that searches Twitter for jobs.
Some personal examples of non-profits using Twitter and Facebook to their advantage included the United Way for Southeastern Michigan. Within the last week, these are two of their "tweets" that really stood out to me:
- Metro #Detroit: Your United Way wants to input on our work in the areas of education, income, & basic needs: [Please RT]
- We've had over 1,300 metroDetroiters give us their opinion in the last 3 days. What say the other 3,902,077 of you? http: //
An example of using Facebook comes from a friend who was participating in the Polar Plunge event for Special Olympics Michigan and needed to collect donations, her status read:
- Kimberly Avey Please help me raise money for the Special Olympics. I am plunging tomorrow morning!!
She was able to raise $50 by just putting up a status!
These tools, such as Facebook and Twitter help to get peoples names, businesses, non-profit, goal, work, out there. It helps them to become know to a different sort of audience. It gets their product out to the social media network as opposed to just their email group or just their website or just their ad in the paper or just their television commercial. It gets them to be more well known and it gets them out there. I think it has created great opportunity for users of both sites to become more aware of their surroundings. Most of my friends check their Facebooks and/or Twitter accounts more than five times a day, and if that is how they are able to get their news and information, then I suppose it really is working for businesses and non-profits today.
For more information please visit,, and these articles, Twitter Could Become the Unemployed's Best Friend, Facebook to Nonprofits: More Pages, Fewer Apps, and How to Market Your Business With Facebook.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Creative Commons
More about Creative Commons can be learned through this video:
Creative Commons is different from the traditional copyright because it allows artists to chose the conditions of the license they would like to give to their work. There are six different licenses available through Creative Commons. The first type of license is Attribution; this allows others to "distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work as long as they credit you." This allows people the most access to your work. The next type of license is the Attribution Share Alike; this allows people all of the rights of the Attribution license but they must "credit you and license their work under identical terms." The third type is Attribution No Derivatives; allowing "redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you." Another type is Attribution Non-Commercial; allowing "others to remix, tweak, and build uponyour work non-commercially," but they dont need to license it the same way. Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike; lets others "remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit and license under identical terms. Others can download and redistribute your work, and translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on it, but all new work will carry the same license, so anything else created will be non-commercial in nature. The last type of license is the Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives; being "the most restrictive of the six but allowing redistribution. It is also called 'free advertising' because it allows others to download and share as long as they mention and link it to you but not change or use commercially."
Artists like Josh Woodward are taking advantage of Creative Commons and still protecting the rights to their work because he is able to produce his work quickly and efficiently and get it posted on his website quickly by using a Creative Commons license as opposed to waiting for a copyright on his work. This helps Josh Woodward and artists like him to get their work out there quickly and allows other artists, depending on the type of license, to use other work to enhance their own or to remake and tweak the work by giving credit to the original creator.
I think that Creative Commons is a great way for people to put their work out there and also have it protected in some way. A good way to find different types of Creative Commons work is to check out this site it helps you to locate work like this:
This photo was found on calmenda's photostream on Flickr and is protected under the Creative Commons Attribution License. From the mashable site you can also find audio, general searches, images, texts, visuals. I think that Creative Commons is a great way for artists of music, writing, journalism, video, photography, cartoons, and any other creative outlet to protect their work and get it out to the public.
More information can be found at Josh Woodwards website, blip tv, Creative Commons, and Mashable.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Google vs China
China is one of the world's top internet markets. The graph below shows that in October of 2007, China was just under the United States in terms of most internet users by country. However, since 2007, the tables may have turned and China may now be in the lead of internet users per country.
Graph found at:
Sites I used and for more information, please visit:
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Long Tail
In the magazine article, Chris Anderson explains, "Now, with online distribution and retail, we are entering a world of abundance." By this, I think he means that this gives digital distribution the ability to change the way that the media outlets operate. For instance with the example of, it ultimately gives the consumer an option to purchase one song instead of the entire album like they would have had to do before hand.
Anderson went on in the article to explain this by saying, "People are going deep into the catalog, down the long, long list of avaiable titles, far past what's avaiable at Blockbuster Video, Tower Records, and Barnes & Noble. And they more they find, the more they like. As they wander further from the beaten path, they discover their taste is not as mainstream as they thought (or as they had been led to believe by marketing, a lack of alternatives, and a hit-driven culture)."
From that, I learned that this infinate amount of "shelf space" that has now become available is helping the consumer and at the same time, helping and hurting the content producer. It helps the consumer because it gives them the option of more; more items available to them, more things to branch out to, and more new things to learn from. The content producer is helped in situations like the "Touching the Void phenomenon" where gave recommendations and consumers purchased them. However, the content producers are also hurt, for instance in the itunes realm, Anderson shows us, "Even though 99 cents per track works out to about the same price as a CD, most consumers just buy a track or two from an album online, rather than the full CD ... from a label persepctive, consumers should pay more for the privilege of purchasing la carte to compensate for the lost album revenue."This image shows a man looking at the shelves at a Barnes & Noble store as opposed to the infinate amount of "shelf space" avaiable online. Image found at:
Overall, from the Anderson video and article, "The Long Tail," I learned about all the different aspects of the "long tail" and how websites are making a profit. How websites, such as,,, and have all found their niche for products and consumers of those products. How the digital distribution is ever expanding and new markets can pop up everyday, ultimately increaseing the "long tail" and creating more of an asset for the digital distribution. I learned that instead of the consumer market of stores, people would much rather visit a website for their needs and be done in a few moments rather than a couple hours. In all, I learned that the digital distribution era is in no way going to fade out quickly, it is ever expanding and ever changing.
Take a look at the sources I used for this entry to find out more information on Chris Anderson's "The Long Tail." This can be done by watching the video or reading the magazine article:
Watch the Long Tail video at:
Read "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson, WIRED Magazine Issue 12.10 - October 2004 at: