An independent producer could produce and distribute their program nationwide through YouTube and ignore the networks as long as they do not violate any of the copyrights on the program being distributed. YouTube says, "The YouTube website makes it easy to watch and share your favorite YouTube videos with the whole family."
The "5 C's of the Post-Network Era" are choice, control, convenience, customization and community; all of the 5 C's relate to the future of television. Choice; the future of television is full of choice, television being on the internet gives one a huge choice in when they want to watch something and what they want to watch. Control; the future of television gives people the opportunity to control what they want to watch and sometimes control the types or amount of commercials they want to see. Convenience; the future of television gives people the opportunity to watch their favorite television show when they want, where they want, and at whatever time they want to. Customization; the future of television gives people an opportunity to customize what they want to watch or the order they want to watch them in. Community; the future of television gives people an opportunity to form communities and write in forums that connect them with other fans of their favorite shows.

Broadband TV relates to the issues in the Long Tail, the internet as a democratizing tool, and Creative Commons because it allows people to explore more into the internet and which keeps the Long Tail of the internet going, it allows people to look more into the internet and watch things that help it to become a democratizing tool, and it allows people to utilize the Creative Commons by posting things to YouTube.
In ten years, I think that TV will be more focused on the internet. I think that not only will people be allowed to watch things on their computer after it airs, but people will be able to watch streaming shows on their laptop, computer, and phone.
For more information please visit, these three articles on the New York Times; One, Two, Three and YouTube.
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